College students dressed for Halloween
Tree marked with blue blaze [02]
Tree marked with blue blaze [01]
Artist painting a mural
"Columbia Heights Families Share and Care"
"Increase peace in the community"
Ride On 25th anniversary bus [01]
Ride On 25th anniversary bus [02]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [20]
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [14]
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [15]
Borf graffiti on Bobby Fisher Memorial Building
Anti-war graffiti at Brookland
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [02]
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [01]
Painting at Turnberry Tower [02]
Painting at Turnberry Tower [01]
Funk the War 7 [01]
Glenmont water tower covered
Graffiti on wall speaker
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [08]
Funk the War 9 [10]
Funk the War 9 [08]
Funk the War 9 [01]
Woman smiling at Van Ness-UDC station
Abandoned motel guest building [22]
Abandoned motel guest building [21]
Abandoned motel guest building [20]
Abandoned motel guest building [19]
Abandoned motel guest building [18]
Abandoned motel guest building [17]
Peeling paint on brick
Forever Marilyn statue
Taking photos at the Marilyn Monroe sculpture
SlutWalk DC 2011 [17]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [10]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [09]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [08]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [07]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [05]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [01]
Diamond Furniture with windows boarded up
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [10]
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [11]
Rust on steel beams over Walnut Street
Graffiti on Humpback Rock
Carving on Humpback Rock [05]
Trail blaze on Humpback Rock trail
House painting
Rusted water tower [02]
Rusted water tower [01]
"Be barefoot, color barefoot, live barefoot"
Rusted water tower [03]
Forward on Climate Rally [99]
Forward on Climate Rally [98]
Forward on Climate Rally [97]
Forward on Climate Rally [96]
Forward on Climate Rally [25]
Forward on Climate Rally [01]
Be Cheerful "Fit In"
Cumberland Shoe Hospital
Reflection of sunset on Cumberland Shoe Hospital window
Anarchy sign painted in Cumberland, Maryland pedestrian tunnel
Pro-marijuana graffiti
Anarchy sign painted on a wall
"EAT AT HOME" graffiti
Woman with painted toenails
Nail polish drying under heat lamp
Woman having nails painted
Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Twitter handle on the Aqueduct Bridge stub
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [02]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [03]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [04]
Two boys sitting on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Two boys sitting on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [02]