College students dressed for Halloween
Tree marked with blue blaze [02]
Tree marked with blue blaze [01]
Artist painting a mural
"Columbia Heights Families Share and Care"
"Increase peace in the community"
Ride On 25th anniversary bus [01]
Ride On 25th anniversary bus [02]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [20]
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [14]
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [15]
Borf graffiti on Bobby Fisher Memorial Building
Anti-war graffiti at Brookland
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [02]
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [01]
Painting at Turnberry Tower [02]
Painting at Turnberry Tower [01]
Funk the War 7 [01]
Glenmont water tower covered
Graffiti on wall speaker
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [08]
Funk the War 9 [10]
Funk the War 9 [08]
Funk the War 9 [01]
Woman smiling at Van Ness-UDC station
Abandoned motel guest building [22]
Abandoned motel guest building [21]
Abandoned motel guest building [20]
Abandoned motel guest building [19]
Abandoned motel guest building [18]
Abandoned motel guest building [17]
Peeling paint on brick
Forever Marilyn statue
Taking photos at the Marilyn Monroe sculpture
SlutWalk DC 2011 [17]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [10]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [09]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [08]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [07]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [05]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [01]
Diamond Furniture with windows boarded up
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [10]
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [11]
Rust on steel beams over Walnut Street
Graffiti on Humpback Rock
Carving on Humpback Rock [05]
Trail blaze on Humpback Rock trail
House painting
Rusted water tower [02]
Rusted water tower [01]
"Be barefoot, color barefoot, live barefoot"
Rusted water tower [03]
Forward on Climate Rally [99]
Forward on Climate Rally [98]
Forward on Climate Rally [97]
Forward on Climate Rally [96]
Forward on Climate Rally [25]
Forward on Climate Rally [01]
Be Cheerful "Fit In"
Cumberland Shoe Hospital
Reflection of sunset on Cumberland Shoe Hospital window
Anarchy sign painted in Cumberland, Maryland pedestrian tunnel
"EAT AT HOME" graffiti
Woman with painted toenails
Nail polish drying under heat lamp
Woman having nails painted
Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Twitter handle on the Aqueduct Bridge stub
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [02]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [03]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [04]
Two boys sitting on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Two boys sitting on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [02]
Two boys sitting on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [03]
Plungefest 2014 [35]