Sidewalk graffiti along Rideau Street
Graffiti on traffic signal control box in Gatineau
Utility access panel at the Cathedral of Learning
Fire alarm at Primanti Bros. [01]
Fire alarm at Primanti Bros. [02]
Blind corner sign
"Pecos" graffiti on a railing
Graffiti on a utility box in an alley
Rusted no parking sign in an alley [01]
"Log in and stay a while"
Sidewalk graffiti on North Lincoln Avenue
Graffiti on "L" train support
Marker graffiti on a window
Graffiti on a boulder in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
"Stop and kiss"
Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
Graffiti in the parking lot at Orchard Hill Square
Wall sign at 9th Street station