Betco Clario Foaming Anti‑Bacterial Skin Cleanser at Best Buy in Harrisonburg, Virginia
Bicycles at Potomac Hall [01]
Bridgeforth Stadium at night
Ceiling air vent at Sharp Shopper [01]
Ceiling air vent at Sharp Shopper [02]
College Center [01]
Elyse holds a handful of Christmas pickles
Fire alarm strobe at Home Depot in Harrisonburg
Gum in the end of a clothing rack
Interior of Harrisonburg Transit bus 53
Maury Hall computer lab [01]
Maury Hall computer lab [02]
Maury Hall computer lab [03]
Maury Hall computer lab [04]
Maury Hall computer lab [05]
Maury Hall Room G1
Maury Hall Room G2
Saturn L100 at Potomac Hall
Standard bell at Maury Hall
Wilson Hall cupola [01]