"Do not hold the doors" signage
"New Fryer"
"Thank you for not smoking, eating, or loitering within 10 meters"
"Washrooms" signage at Gloucester Centre Walmart
170 Laurier Avenue West
Alexandra Bridge
All-Canadian Breakfast from Ottawa Marriott
Bagged milk at Loblaws
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [01]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [02]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [03]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [04]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [05]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [06]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [07]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [08]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [01]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [02]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [03]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [04]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [05]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [06]
Bicycle signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West
Bilingual stop sign at Walmart
Bilingual stop sign on Parliament Hill [01]
Bilingual stop sign on Parliament Hill [02]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [01]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [02]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [03]
Canadian flag in front of the Westin Ottawa
Canadian flag on Centre Block [01]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [02]
Canadian flag on the Confederation Building
Cans of pasta sauce at Loblaws
Centennial Flame [01]
Centennial Flame [02]
Centennial Flame [03]
Centennial Flame [04]
Centennial Flame [05]
Centennial Flame [06]
Centennial Flame [07]
Centennial Flame [08]
Centennial Flame [09]
Centre Block [01]
Centre Block [02]
Centre Block [03]
Cinnamon Toast Crunch at Loblaws
Coach Canada motorcoach
Coke can from Pizza Pizza [01]
Coke can from Pizza Pizza [02]
Confederation Building [01]
Confederation Building [02]
Confederation Building [03]
Construction barrel on Metcalfe Street
Construction signage on Parliament Hill
Desire path from Gloucester Centre mall to the train
Eastbound platform at Lyon station
Eastbound platform at Parliament station
Elevator buttons at Ottawa Marriott Hotel
Elyse goes down the escalator at Loblaws [01]
Elyse goes down the escalator at Loblaws [02]
Elyse holds a tiny bottle of Coke Zero [01]
Elyse holds a tiny bottle of Coke Zero [02]
Entrance to West Block building
Escalators at Lyon station
Escalators at Parliament station
Esso station at Montreal Road and Vanier Parkway
Faregates at Lyon station
Fire alarm at Lyon station [01]
Fire alarm at Lyon station [02]
Fire alarm at Lyon station [03]
Fire alarm at Lyon station [04]
Fire alarm pull station at Ottawa Marriott Hotel [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Ottawa Marriott Hotel [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Ottawa Marriott Hotel [03]
Fire alarm pull station at Ottawa Marriott Hotel [04]
Folding seat on OC Transpo car 1106
Front wall of Gloucester Centre Walmart
Graffiti on Loblaws building
Green Giant corn at Loblaws