"Picture Petersburg: The Crepe Myrtle City"
Globe Department Store building [01]
Globe Department Store building [02]
Globe Department Store building [03]
Petersburg Courthouse [18]
Trinity United Methodist Church [02]
Trinity United Methodist Church [03]
Trinity United Methodist Church [01]
Petersburg Courthouse [20]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [02]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [03]
Petersburg Courthouse [21]
Petersburg Courthouse [19]
Former Trailways bus station
Reassurance marker for US 460 Business westbound [01]
Reassurance marker for US 301 northbound [01]
Reassurance marker for US 301 northbound [02]
Reassurance marker for US 460 Business westbound [02]
Reassurance marker for US 301 northbound [03]
Signs for Interstates 95 and 85 [02]
Petersburg Courthouse [16]
Signs for Interstates 95 and 85 [01]
Petersburg Courthouse [08]
Petersburg Courthouse [14]
Petersburg Courthouse [10]
Petersburg Courthouse [11]
Petersburg Courthouse [15]
Petersburg Courthouse [12]
Petersburg Courthouse [13]
Petersburg Courthouse [02]
Petersburg Courthouse [09]
Petersburg Courthouse [01]
Petersburg Courthouse [06]
City of Petersburg sticker on stop sign
Petersburg Courthouse [03]
Petersburg Courthouse [07]
Interstate 85 and US 460 reassurance markers [01]
Petersburg Courthouse [17]
Petersburg Courthouse [23]
Pepsi Bottling Group sign
Petersburg Courthouse [27]
Petersburg Courthouse [25]
Petersburg Courthouse [26]
Petersburg Courthouse [22]
Petersburg Courthouse [30]
Petersburg Courthouse [29]
Former restaurant sign in Petersburg, Virginia [02]
Petersburg Courthouse [28]
Elevator call buttons at Petersburg Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Petersburg Courthouse [31]
Aerial view of downtown Petersburg, Virginia [03]
Aerial view of downtown Petersburg, Virginia [01]
Petersburg Courthouse [05]
Aerial view of downtown Petersburg, Virginia [02]
Petersburg Courthouse [24]
Non-Exxon kerosene
Former restaurant sign in Petersburg, Virginia [01]
Interstate 85 split [02]
Interstate 85 split [01]
Aerial view of downtown Petersburg, Virginia [04]
Remains of Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Bridge [01]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [17]
Manchester Bridge
Richmond skyline from the James River [02]
Mun Cheese
Petersburg Courthouse [04]
Remains of Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Bridge [02]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [02]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [09]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [04]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [08]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [01]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [03]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [05]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [12]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [06]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [10]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [11]
Former Ramada Inn in Petersburg, Virginia [14]