"Stairs of death" at JMU
Aerial view of Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [03]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [01]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [02]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [03]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [04]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [05]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [06]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [07]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [08]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [09]
Chandelier at Grand Central Terminal [10]
Clock at Ogilvie Transportation Center [01]
Clock at Ogilvie Transportation Center [02]
Clock on top of an information kiosk at Grand Central Terminal [01]
Clock on top of an information kiosk at Grand Central Terminal [02]
Clock on top of an information kiosk at Grand Central Terminal [03]
Davis Street Metra station
Elyse hangs from a train
Empty area at Grand Central Terminal
Interior of Metra railcar
Intersection of Shenandoah and Potomac Streets in Harpers Ferry
Main hall at Grand Central Terminal
Main hall at Ogilvie Transportation Center
Maintenance vehicle just north of Davis Street station
Metra train arrives at Davis Street station
Norfolk Southern 4426 at JMU
Norfolk Southern track through JMU campus
Ottawa Via Rail station
Pedestrian walkway on CSX Cumberland Subdivision bridge
Platform at Martinsburg train station [01]
Platform at Martinsburg train station [02]
Platform at Ogilvie Transportation Center
Rail bridge over the Rappahannock River [01]
Rail bridge over the Rappahannock River [02]
Rail bridge over the Rappahannock River [03]
Railroad tracks through Harpers Ferry
Sears Hill footbridge [01]
Sears Hill footbridge [02]
Staunton Amtrak station [03]
Staunton Amtrak station [04]
Staunton Amtrak station [05]
Staunton Amtrak station [06]
Train passes through JMU campus
Waiting room at Harpers Ferry train station
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [05]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [06]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [03]