North Carolina welcome center
Delaware House main entrance [04]
Bench with center armrest [02]
Bench with center armrest [01]
Cow-themed tip jar at Starbucks
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [01]
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [02]
Fire alarm at Delaware House [02]
"Welcome to North Carolina" sign
Red Bull vending machine
Sign pointing the way to Atlantic City
"Throne out of order"
Please don't spit into the urinals
Table and chair storage area
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [02]
Maryland House late at night
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [01]
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [03]
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [04]