Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [01]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [02]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [03]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [04]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [05]
Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [01]
Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [02]
Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [03]
Mask sign at Baggby's
"Mask up Buttercup!"
Zocalo sign [03]
Zocalo sign [04]
Zocalo sign [05]
Zocalo sign [06]
Zocalo sign [07]
Zocalo sign [08]
Sign for Cinema Taco
Interior of Cinema Taco
COVID sign at Baja Bean Company
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain, October 2020
Intersection of US 340 and VA 608 [01]
Intersection of US 340 and VA 608 [02]
No sitting or leaning on the tables or chairs
Subway in Goshen Plaza
Pupatella Neapolitan Pizza [01]
Pupatella Neapolitan Pizza [02]
Neon breakfast sign
McDonald's at Staunton Mall [02]
McDonald's at Staunton Mall [03]
Former Boston Beanery restaurant
Hot Wok [01]
Hot Wok [02]
Former pretzel place in Staunton Mall
Former Dog Days space
Former Angelo's Pizza [01]
Former Angelo's Pizza [02]
Original Hot Wok location
Food court area of Staunton Mall [01]