Howard Johnson's in Lexington, Virginia [01]
Howard Johnson's in Lexington, Virginia [02]
Howard Johnson's in Lexington, Virginia [03]
Howard Johnson's in Lexington, Virginia [04]
Elyse at the HoJo's in Lexington, Virginia
Texas Tavern [01]
Texas Tavern [02]
Discarded Cook Out cup
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [07]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [06]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [05]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [04]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [03]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [02]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [01]
Commercial area in Colonial Heights, Virginia [02]
Arby's in Colonial Heights, Virginia
Pizza from Rad Pies
Woomy plays Space Invaders
Cushwa Brewing Company
Subway closed due to lack of manpower
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [01]
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [02]
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [03]
Seating area at Frank S. Farley Service Plaza [04]
Table and chair storage area
Social distancing marker in a parking lot
Maryland House late at night
Social distancing sign at Cheesecake Factory