Arundel Mills parking lot
Arundel Mills roof
Cartons of Nature's Promise milk
Discarded tube of lipstick
Empty Off 5th Store
Former Borders Books in Evanston, Illinois
Gumball kiosk at Wheaton Plaza
Half & half at Giant Food
Help button
Ink tag on clothing [01]
Ink tag on clothing [02]
La Difference
Lego door
Mannequin at Unique Bazaar
Old Navy at Montrose Crossing
Open sign
Over-the-counter drugs at Safeway
Pizza at Potomac Mills
Rowan University bookstore
Shopping cart at Weis
Sidewalk on 1700 block of Aliceanna Street
Two-tiered shopping cart
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [01]
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [02]
Vintage Giant Food sign in Laurel, Maryland [03]
Whole Foods P Street NW