Hop N Shop [02]
Hop N Shop [01]
Face mask sign at Greenbrier Mall
S.A.G.E. Locs Braids Weaves
JGJ Watch & Jewelry Repair
Mini applications at JCPenney
Elevator phone at JCPenney in Greenbrier Mall
Escalators at Greenbrier Mall
Greenbrier Mall [04]
Greenbrier Mall [05]
Greenbrier Mall [02]
Greenbrier Mall [03]
Greenbrier Mall [01]
Safeway on Goshen Road [03]
Safeway on Goshen Road [02]
Gallon-sized jug of Great Value canola oil
"Restroom close for cleaning"
Gallon jugs of Turkey Hill milk
Spartan foamyiQ Cranberry Ice foaming handwash dispenser
Valley View area, viewed from Mill Mountain
"No tricks here, Pumkin!"
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [04]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [03]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [02]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [01]
This shelf has been counted for inventory
Aisle marker at ShopRite in Philadelphia
Floor-level exit sign at King of Prussia Mall [04]
Floor-level exit sign at King of Prussia Mall [03]
Floor-level exit sign at King of Prussia Mall [02]
"We do not accept Apple Pay"
Floor-level exit sign at King of Prussia Mall [01]
Touching allowed, but don't hold them near your face
Oriental rug sale at Lord & Taylor
Closed entrance at Pottery Barn in King of Prussia Mall
Escalators at Lord & Taylor
Atrium at King of Prussia Lord & Taylor
Signs in front of Lord & Taylor registers
Social distancing signage in front of an escalator
Closed restroom stalls at Lord & Taylor [02]
Closed restroom stalls at Lord & Taylor [01]
Lego shark wearing a mask [02]
Lego shark wearing a mask [01]
Labelscar on former JCPenney store at King of Prussia Mall
Jars of tomato sauce at Giant
Empty space at IKEA
Social distancing sticker on a bench at White Marsh Mall [02]
Social distancing sticker on a bench at White Marsh Mall [01]
No-touching signage at Boscov's
Social distancing reminder in tape
Mall entrance closed at Best Buy
"This ride has been sanitized"
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [02]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [04]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [03]
Empty racks for paper products at Walmart [01]
Pallet of Black Friday items at Walmart
Makeup brushes at Target
Pink spill in front of Target
Parking lot lights at Shenandoah Square [02]
Parking lot lights at Shenandoah Square [01]
Object on the roof of the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Air handling unit on the roof of the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [07]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [05]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [06]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [03]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [04]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [01]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [02]
Overturned shopping carts in front of CVS [02]
Overturned shopping carts in front of CVS [03]
Overturned shopping carts in front of CVS [04]
Subway in Goshen Plaza
Overturned shopping carts in front of CVS [01]
Former Weis store in Gaithersburg, Maryland [01]
Former Weis store in Gaithersburg, Maryland [02]
Empty section of the IKEA showroom
Dunkin' Cereal
Kiddie car display at Target