Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [37]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [39]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [71]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [64]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [62]
Stall without door at Sheetz in Dunmore, Pennsylvania [01]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [38]
Rural King at Washington Crown Center [01]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [68]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [40]
Former Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [04]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [61]
Elyse holds a tiny bottle of Coke Zero [01]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [35]
Nugateau eclairs at Hudson's Bay Queen Street
Former Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [03]
Former Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [02]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [67]
Former Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [05]
Enclosed portion of the Centre at Glen Burnie [05]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [34]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [69]
Aerial view of Washington Crown Center [03]
Rural King at Washington Crown Center [02]
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [01]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [70]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [72]
Aerial view of Washington Crown Center [07]
Aerial view of Washington Crown Center [06]
Selfie at Destiny USA
Café Starbucks at Les Promenades Gatineau
Main entrance to Washington Crown Center [01]
Aerial view of Washington Crown Center [01]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [07]
Sign for Walmart and Super C
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [02]
Aerial view of Washington Crown Center [04]
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [03]
Aerial view of Breezewood, Pennsylvania, May 2023 [01]
Aerial view of Washington Crown Center [02]
Aerial view of Washington Crown Center [05]
Faucet at Flying J
Century III Mall [02]
Gabe's in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania [01]
Aerial view of Breezewood, Pennsylvania, May 2023 [06]
Century III Mall [01]
Century III Mall [03]
Chrysler dealership at Washington Crown Center
Enclosed portion of the Centre at Glen Burnie [04]
Century III Mall [05]
Century III Mall [04]
Aerial view of Breezewood, Pennsylvania, May 2023 [07]
Center court at Destiny USA [03]
Men's restroom at Thousand Islands duty free store, Canadian side [04]
Center court at Destiny USA [02]
Restroom at Walmart in Watertown [01]
Restroom at Walmart in Watertown [02]
Walmart Supercenter on Terminal Avenue [03]
Liquor display at Thousand Islands duty-free store
Bagged milk at Loblaws
OC Transpo bus 6702 on Rideau Street [01]
"Washrooms" signage at Gloucester Centre Walmart
Aerial view of Breezewood, Pennsylvania, May 2023 [08]
Center court at Destiny USA [01]
Century III Mall [06]
IKEA South Philadelphia store [01]
Restroom at Walmart in Watertown [03]
Walmart Supercenter on Terminal Avenue [04]
IKEA South Philadelphia store [02]
Elyse goes down the escalator at Loblaws [01]
Walmart Supercenter on Terminal Avenue [11]
College Square shopping center
Elyse photographs a piece of candy
Elyse goes down the escalator at Loblaws [02]
OC Transpo bus 6702 on Rideau Street [02]
Food court at Destiny USA
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Sign regarding sauce at Chicken Now
Parking lot at the Walmart in Lexington, Virginia