Kiosk in Staunton Mall JCPenney wing
Legacy Theaters box office [01]
Legacy Theaters box office [02]
Legacy Theaters box office [03]
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [01]
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [02]
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [03]
Mall entrance to Church United
Maurices in Staunton Mall [01]
Maurices in Staunton Mall [02]
Maurices in Staunton Mall [03]
Montgomery Ward west mall entrance
Original Hot Wok location
Restrooms and cinema signage
Sign at Hot Wok advising of a temporary closure
South end of JCPenney wing at Staunton Mall [01]
South end of JCPenney wing at Staunton Mall [02]
Staunton Mall main corridor between Peebles and Wards
Store at the south end of the Belk wing of Staunton Mall
Store near the Belk wing mall entrance
Video Zone arcade [01]
Video Zone arcade [02]
Video Zone arcade [03]
Wishing Well Coin Race [01]
Wishing Well Coin Race [02]