The new HR-V at Walmart
Cart machine out of order
Gingerbread beer at Giant Food [02]
Gingerbread beer at Giant Food [01]
"Positively no trash, smoking, or stock allowed"
Safeway on Fort Hunt Road [05]
Safeway on Fort Hunt Road [04]
Safeway on Fort Hunt Road [03]
Safeway on Fort Hunt Road [02]
Safeway on Fort Hunt Road [01]
Former Quiznos "open" sign
Weis store in Hanover, Pennsylvania
Help keep the restroom clean
Kmart in Willow Street, Pennsylvania [02]
Kmart in Willow Street, Pennsylvania [05]
Kmart in Willow Street, Pennsylvania [04]
Reese's Zero Sugar
Emergency exit push bar
Kmart in Willow Street, Pennsylvania [03]
Red Wild Force Ranger wearing necktie and face mask
Walmart Supercenter in York, Pennsylvania
Kmart in Willow Street, Pennsylvania [01]
Target recommends washing all produce
Dr Pepper cotton candy
Shopping cart with table in it
Closed Starbucks store at Target
Empty toilet paper aisle at Target
Empty paper towel aisle at Target
Purchase limit notice
Closed water fountains
Social distancing sign at Giant Pharmacy
Milk cartons
Vacant second floor at Sears in Security Square Mall [01]
Vacant second floor at Sears in Security Square Mall [02]
Sears at Lakeforest Mall
Former Shoppers Food in Olney, Maryland
Suncoast Motion Picture Company
Blue screen on Harris Teeter self-checkout
Macy's in Wheaton, Maryland [01]
Macy's in Wheaton, Maryland [02]
Third-generation Mercury Sable
Parking sign at 17th Street Surf Shop
Entrance to Franklin Mills