"No Swearing" sign at Virginia Beach [01]
"No Swearing" sign at Virginia Beach [02]
"No Swearing" sign at Virginia Beach [03]
"Scoop Your Pet's Poop"
11th and H Streets NW
1200 block of H Street NW
500 block of H Street NW
Baltimore-area traffic on Interstate 95 southbound [01]
Baltimore-area traffic on Interstate 95 southbound [02]
Baltimore-area traffic on Interstate 95 southbound [03]
Boston Megaraid [07]
Chestnut Street and Hickory Avenue
Delaware River toll plaza on Interstate 78
Dulles Toll Road eastern plaza
East Main Street and Court Street
H Street NW street sign
Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [01]
Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [02]
Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [03]
Intersection of Main Street and Madbury Road [01]
Intersection of Main Street and Madbury Road [02]
Interstate 70 shield
Interstate 95 sign at Maryland House
Lane ending sign on Benning Road NE
Madbury Road street signs
Mileage sign on US 30 in Breezewood [01]
No parking sign on Gathright Dam [01]
Overhead sign for Interstate 70
Quiet Zone sign [01]
Quiet Zone sign [02]
Road sign at intersection of US 1 and Joplin and Fuller Roads
Sign for Exit 268
Sign for Interstate 70 eastbound
Signs on US 30 outside Breezewood
Snow emergency route sign
South Breezewood Road
Stop sign on 2nd Street SW
Swift truck entering turnpike
To Interstate 76
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [01]
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [02]
Virginia freeway prohibition sign
Warning sign before Breezewood
Westbound Interstate 78 in Phillipsburg, New Jersey