5th and H Streets NW
Baltimore and Centre Streets
Davidson Street and Henderson Avenue
End of Gerties Lane
Enter Warren County, leave Shenandoah County
Golf cart sign
Highway signs
Intersection of Bedford Street and Henderson Avenue
Interstate 68, Exit 43D
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [04]
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [06]
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [12]
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [19]
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [20]
New Jersey Turnpike "Reduce Speed" sign
No Bicycles On Sidewalk
Nonstandard US 220 highway shield
Philadelphia street sign at Walnut Street
Railroad crossbuck
Ramp Closed
Right Lane Must Turn Right
Shenandoah County: A certified business location
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [01]
Stop sign at end of Forest Springs Drive
Stop sign graffiti
Traffic signals in Philadelphia
US 254 shield
Yield sign