Tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport [04]
Photographing the tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport
Tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport [03]
Tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport [01]
Tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport [02]
Signage for eastern US 50/US 301 split [02]
Signage for eastern US 50/US 301 split [01]
Eastern end of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge [03]
Eastern end of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge [04]
Eastern end of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge [02]
Eastern end of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge [01]
Walt Whitman Service Plaza
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [02]
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [01]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [01]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [02]
Pedestrian call button at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [02]
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [03]
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [01]
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [02]
Pedestrian call button at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [01]
Toyota Previa at Manassas rest area
Sun through the trees at Manassas rest area
Parking lot at the Manassas rest area
Construction barrel at Manassas rest area
Snow around two tree trunks
Payphones at New Market rest area
Bench at New Market rest area
Interstate 81 at Route 796 [02]
Interstate 81 at Route 796 [01]
Ramp to Interstate 95 southbound at Enfield exit
Sunset near Enfield, North Carolina [01]
Sunset near Enfield, North Carolina [02]
Shield for North Carolina 561 near Enfield
Shield for Interstate 95 near Enfield
Shields for Interstate 95 and North Carolina 561 near Enfield [05]
Shields for Interstate 95 and North Carolina 561 near Enfield [04]
Shields for Interstate 95 and North Carolina 561 near Enfield [03]
Shields for Interstate 95 and North Carolina 561 near Enfield [02]
Shields for Interstate 95 and North Carolina 561 near Enfield [01]
Signs for Interstate 95 near Enfield, North Carolina
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [02]
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [01]
Tinkling Spring Road at Churchmans Mill Road
Fishersville, Virginia, near Augusta Health
Intersection of South Medical Park Drive and Lifecore Drive
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [03]
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [01]
Richmond Avenue in Staunton, Virginia [02]
500 block of 13th Street NW
Stop sign on 2nd Street SW
Warning: Children in this community protected by child registry