Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [03]
Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [02]
Highway through Dauphin, Pennsylvania [02]
Highway through Dauphin, Pennsylvania [01]
Elm Avenue interchange [03]
Elm Avenue interchange [04]
View above Locust Street [02]
Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [01]
View above Locust Street [01]
Highway through Dauphin, Pennsylvania [03]
Signage at river access in Dauphin, Pennsylvania [02]
Photographing the tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport
Signage at river access in Dauphin, Pennsylvania [01]
Tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport [03]
Tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport [04]
Signage at East Walnut and Baltimore Streets
Rusted yellow stop sign
Tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport [02]
Tunnel under Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport [01]
Sign for Newark Airport and the Holland Tunnel
"END" sign on Bentley Street