Banana selfie
Selfie with a stuffed dracula
Drone selfie in Newport News
Drone view after landing
Drone selfie in Atlantic City
Elyse at Scrub Daddy [02]
Elyse at Scrub Daddy [05]
Post-flight selfie in Covington, Virginia
Rainbow Crocs
Sitting in the car wearing Maryland flag leggings
Selfie at Ward Plaza [01]
Selfie at Ward Plaza [02]
Selfie on WMATA railcar 6042
DASH Orion V farewell [15]
DASH Orion V farewell [16]
DASH Orion V farewell [17]
Selfie at Kittatinny Mountain
Striking the "beach knees" pose wearing my Maryland flag leggings
Scrub Daddy retail store [07]
Scrub Daddy retail store [09]
Scrub Daddy retail store [12]
Drone selfie at Camden Waterfront