Wrigley Building [02]
White Castle in Howell, New Jersey
Waynesboro High School [06]
Waynesboro High School [05]
Waynesboro High School [04]
Waynesboro High School [03]
Waynesboro High School [02]
Trucker convoy
Tribune Tower [03]
Tribune Tower [02]
Tribune Tower [01]
Train arriving at West Falls Church-VT/UVA station
Thomas Jefferson School No. 1 [02]
Thomas Jefferson School No. 1 [01]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [06]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [05]
Taxpayer March on Washington [04]
Tall Cedars Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [03]
Rosewood Fire Department
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [03]
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [02]
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [01]
Rainbow over Chick-fil-A
Operation Sea Arrrgh 2009 [05]
Odd Fellows Cemetery [04]
New Kent rest area, eastbound
Mars Cheese Castle sign [04]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [03]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [02]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [01]
Marine Corps War Memorial
March on the Pentagon [05]
Main hall at Grand Central Terminal
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [14]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [13]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [12]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [11]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [10]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [09]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [08]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [07]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [06]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [05]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [04]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [03]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [02]
Lincoln Square in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Lamppost in Georgetown, decorated for Christmas
Kiosk in Staunton Mall JCPenney wing
John Hancock Center and flags
Iwo Jima Memorial [02]
Iwo Jima Memorial [01]
ISAT/CS Building at night [04]
ISAT/CS Building at night [03]
Interior of Washington National Airport [02]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [24]
Hotel Roanoke and Convention Center
Hope Hill Cemetery [08]
Hope Hill Cemetery [06]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [04]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [03]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [02]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [01]
Germantown Indoor Swim Center [03]
Forward on Climate Rally [90]
Flags over the entrance to Union Station Metro
Flags outside Union Station
Flags outside the Willis Tower
Flags in Chicago
Flags at West Virginia welcome center
Flagpole at the Absecon Lighthouse [04]
Flagpole at the Absecon Lighthouse [03]
Flagpole at the Absecon Lighthouse [02]
Flagpole at the Absecon Lighthouse [01]
Flag on the Treasury Building
Flag in front of the Exxon on West Main Street
Flag in Annapolis, Maryland
Flag in a crack in the pavement [03]
Flag in a crack in the pavement [02]