SlutWalk DC 2013 [03]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [04]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [05]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [06]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [07]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [08]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [09]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [10]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [11]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [12]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [13]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [14]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [15]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [16]
SlutWalk DC 2013 [17]
Fire alarm at Union Station
Cut credit card
Busker at Dupont Circle station
Lane Brooks
"EAT AT HOME" graffiti
Southwest Freeway [01]
Southwest Freeway [02]
Full cart at Whole Foods
Busker outside Dupont Circle station
Interior of Washington Metro car 4090
Lion at the National Zoo
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [01]
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [02]
Flamingo at the National Zoo
House for sale in Dupont Circle
Takoma platform following train offloading
Pedestrian signal at 15th and P Streets NW
Metrobus 7207 at 16th and P Streets NW
Discarded earplugs along P Street NW
Whole Foods P Street NW
Fountain at FDR Memorial [02]
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial at night [03]
Jefferson Memorial at night [02]
District of Columbia War Memorial at night
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial at night [02]
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial at night [01]
Lincoln Memorial at night
Washington Monument from FDR Memorial
Bread line at FDR Memorial
Bas-relief panels at FDR Memorial
Fountain at FDR Memorial [01]
Jefferson Memorial at night [01]
Spraying water on Webster House
Please, no dogs
"ONE LOVE" sign
U-Haul van at NoMa facility
U-Haul at gas station
NoMa U-Haul facility
Forward on Climate Rally [01]
Forward on Climate Rally [02]
Forward on Climate Rally [03]
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Forward on Climate Rally [05]
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Forward on Climate Rally [09]
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Forward on Climate Rally [12]
Forward on Climate Rally [13]
Forward on Climate Rally [14]
Forward on Climate Rally [15]
Forward on Climate Rally [16]
Forward on Climate Rally [17]
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Forward on Climate Rally [19]
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