"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [01]
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [02]
"Columbia Heights Families Share and Care"
"Darth Vader" railroad signals
"Drones: Making enemies faster than we can kill them"
"EAT AT HOME" graffiti
"Increase peace in the community"
"Now Leasing" sign
"ONE LOVE" sign
"Please do not feed the wildlife" sign in Constitution Gardens
"Please vote blue or we all die!"
"Scoop Your Pet's Poop"
"SPECIAL" sign on Red Line
"Splurge On My Surge"
"The Sidewalk Cafe" food vendor
"Welcome to the Dungeon"
"Who you callin' a terrorist?"
"You must push button to call for walk signal"
"Z-Burger now is a COVID free zone"
(Here I Stand) In the Spirit of Paul Robeson
1000-Series train at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
1000-Series train at Metro Center
1000-Series train at Union Station
1100 15th Street NW
11th and H Streets NW
1200 block of H Street NW
1616 P Street NW [01]
1616 P Street NW [02]
16th and Buchanan Streets NW
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
2401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
34th and M Streets NW
4000-Series train enters Rhode Island Avenue station
4601 16th Street NW [01]
4601 16th Street NW [02]
490 L'Enfant Plaza pull station
500 block of 13th Street NW
500 block of H Street NW
5th and H Streets NW
6000-Series railcar at Deanwood
6000-Series train at Fort Totten
619 H Street NW
7-Eleven on Benning Road NE
7-Eleven on Bladensburg Road
7-Eleven on Brentwood Road NE
7-Eleven sign on Benning Road NE
7th Street and Independence Avenue SW
A16 World Bank protest [01]
A16 World Bank protest [02]
A16 World Bank protest [03]
A16 World Bank protest [04]
A16 World Bank protest [05]
A16 World Bank protest [06]
A16 World Bank protest [07]
A16 World Bank protest [08]
Acela Express accessible restroom
Acela Express at Washington Union Station
Acela Express business class coach [01]
Acela Express business class coach [02]
Acela Express business class coach [03]
Acela Express business class seats with table
Acela Express door mode switch
Acela Express quiet car
Acela Express restroom
Acela Express snack car
Activated fire alarm pull station at Union Station [01]
Activated fire alarm pull station at Union Station [02]
Adam Eidinger campaign sign
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [01]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [02]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [03]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [04]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [05]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [06]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [07]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [08]
Alice Swanson ghost bike
AMC Theatres sign at Union Station