Paperback book with green cover
Statue of Andrew Jackson [02]
Former National Bank of Washington building
Third rail at Metro Center station
Fraser Mansion [04]
Fraser Mansion [03]
Fraser Mansion [10]
Souvenir hoodies
Fraser Mansion [21]
Fraser Mansion [11]
Fraser Mansion [19]
Fraser Mansion [20]
Fraser Mansion [05]
SunTrust building in downtown Washington, DC [02]
Fraser Mansion [17]
Fraser Mansion [12]
Fraser Mansion [07]
Fraser Mansion [08]
Fraser Mansion [18]
Egyptian flag flying outside embassy
Fraser Mansion [02]
Fraser Mansion [13]
Fraser Mansion [09]
Man praying on Pennsylvania Avenue NW [01]
Fraser Mansion [06]
Fraser Mansion [14]
Metro Center station [06]
Parking meters on H Street NW
Fraser Mansion [15]
Amfleet coachclass car, on the westbound Cardinal train
Fraser Mansion [16]
Man praying on Pennsylvania Avenue NW [03]
Fraser Mansion [01]
Demonstrator outside Egyptian Embassy [02]
White House Peace Vigil [03]
Carmel Plaza Apartments
Taxicab on New York Avenue NW
Jackson Graham Building in late afternoon
White House Peace Vigil [02]
1200 block of H Street NW
Grapes at Eastern Market
Tomatoes at Eastern Market
H Street NW street sign
Metrobus stop flag for X2 route
Man praying on Pennsylvania Avenue NW [02]
11th and H Streets NW
Traffic signal at 15th and G Streets NW
Acela Express at Washington Union Station
Yellow Line train at L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Newspaper boxes at Shaw-Howard U Metro station
Superliner coaches at Union Station
FiveFingers Sprint shoe [01]
619 H Street NW
Demonstrator outside Egyptian Embassy [01]
Amtrak locomotive 822
Woman smiling at Van Ness-UDC station
Clock on SunTrust Building
Amfleet business/cafe coach [01]
Van Ness-UDC station from escalator
Anonymous demonstration at FBI Building [02]
Pink wig and silver eyelashes
Amfleet passenger coach [02]
Stop the Machine [02]
Amtrak Superliner coachclass seating
FiveFingers Sprint shoe [02]
Amtrak Superliner dining car [03]
Traffic signal with yellow aspect open
Acela Express door mode switch
Yellow Line train at L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Amtrak Superliner dining car [02]
500 block of H Street NW
Amtrak Superliner II roomette in daytime configuration
Amtrak Superliner bedroom
Acela Express restroom
Auto Train lounge car
Woman with bandaged foot and ankle
Anonymous demonstration at FBI Building [03]
Woman speaking at Stop the Machine demonstration
MARC EMD GP40 locomotive