Bus stop sign at Greenbelt station
Bus directory sign at Glenmont station
Potomac Yard station [13]
Potomac Yard station [14]
Potomac Yard station [10]
Potomac Yard station [11]
Potomac Yard station [12]
Potomac Yard station [06]
Potomac Yard station [07]
Potomac Yard station [08]
Potomac Yard station [09]
Potomac Yard station [04]
Potomac Yard station [05]
Potomac Yard station [01]
Potomac Yard station [02]
Potomac Yard station [03]
Breda train at Greenbelt
Cosplayers at Vienna station
Interlocking outside of Ashburn station
Ashburn station [02]
Ashburn station [01]
Muddy water at West Falls Church station
Platform at Vienna Metro station [03]
Ballston-MU station, view from mezzanine
Platform at Vienna Metro station [01]
Platform at Vienna Metro station [02]
"Don't turn on this heater"
Emergency door release on WMATA railcar 3049
Metrobus accident in Dupont Circle [02]
Metrobus accident in Dupont Circle [01]
Metrobus 6003 at Cheverly station
Metrobus 2154 at 16th and P Streets
Interior of WMATA railcar 6026 [05]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6026 [06]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6026 [04]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6026 [03]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6026 [02]
WMATA railcar 4039 at Greenbelt [03]
WMATA railcar 4039 at Greenbelt [02]
WMATA railcar 4039 at Greenbelt [01]
Ballston station late at night [13]
Ballston station late at night [12]
WMATA railcar 6104 at Branch Avenue
Graffiti on wall speaker
Interior of WMATA railcar 6105 [03]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6105 [02]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6105 [01]
Branch Avenue Yard Operations building
WMATA railcar 3260 at Branch Avenue rail yard
WMATA railcar 1165 at Branch Avenue rail yard [01]
WMATA railcar 3217 at Branch Avenue rail yard
Metro Center station [04]
Metro Center station [03]
Going up the escalator at Metro Center [02]
Going up the escalator at Metro Center [01]
Decommissioned transfer ticket machine
Outbound end of Stadium-Armory station
L'Enfant Plaza upper level
Yellow Line tracks north of Huntington station
Yellow Line train in approach to Huntington station
Yellow Line train at Huntington [06]
Station name sign at Eisenhower Avenue
Two trains at King Street station
Platform pylon at King Street station
Platform pylon at Franconia-Springfield station
Metrobus stop flag at Rosslyn
3000-Series train at Franconia-Springfield
Metrobus 6379 at White Oak Shopping Center
Metrobus 6376 at the ICC Park and Ride
Metrobus 6357 at White Oak Shopping Center
WMATA farecard vending machines
Metro Center station [01]
Old Town Alexandria [01]
Rosslyn upper level platform [02]
Woodley Park-Zoo collision
Landover station [02]
Red Line train at Metro Center