Innovation Center station entrance pylon
Bus canopy at Herndon station
Herndon station entrance pylon [02]
Herndon station entrance pylon [01]
South pedestrian bridge at Herndon station
Selfie at Reston Town Center station
Elyse photographs a falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station
Falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station [02]
Bird sounds machine at Reston Town Center station [01]
Falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station [01]
Bird sounds machine at Reston Town Center station [02]
Reston Town Center north entrance
Reston Town Center station entrance pylon [02]
Reston Town Center station entrance pylon [01]
Customer restroom at Reston Town Center station
Fire alarm and speaker at Reston Town Center station
Elyse stands at the eight-car mark at Reston Town Center
PIDS screen at Reston Town Center station [02]
PIDS screen at Reston Town Center station [01]
Silver Line train to Ashburn arrives at Wiehle-Reston East [01]
Silver Line train to Ashburn arrives at Wiehle-Reston East [02]
PIDS screen at Wiehle-Reston East
View from Rhode Island Avenue station, facing south
4000-Series train enters Rhode Island Avenue station
Rhode Island Avenue Center
Flags over the entrance to Union Station Metro
Graffiti at Columbia Heights station
Blue Line train at Stadium-Armory station [02]
Minnesota Avenue station on a rainy night
White Flint station [02]
Metrobus 6150 at Silver Spring
Metrobus 6150 at Greenbelt
Metrobus 4205 at Prince George's Plaza station