Passengers leaving Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station
Train at College Park station
Columbia Heights station
West Hyattsville station [01]
Outbound end of Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Columbia Heights station entrance pylon
Train at Takoma station
Georgia Ave-Petworth station
Brookland-CUA station
Court House station [01]
Van Dorn Street station [01]
WMATA clearance car [01]
WMATA clearance car [02]
Clarendon station [01]
King Street station entrance pylon [01]
Train arriving at Archives-Navy Memorial station
Farragut West station [01]
Archives-Navy Memorial station
Anacostia station
Red Line train arriving at Union Station
Anacostia station entrance pylon
McLean station entrance pylon [01]
Silver Line VIP parking lot
Entrance to Greensboro station
Spring Hill platform canopy
Spring Hill station entrance pylon
Wiehle-Reston East