"Federal" graffiti on a Metro railcar
"Is there a microchip in my scalp?"
"Jesus is coming soon"
"Welcome to the Dungeon"
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [01]
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [02]
Ashburn station entrance pylon [01]
Ashburn station entrance pylon [02]
Ashburn station entrance pylon [03]
Ashburn station south entrance
Ashburn station viewed from the south
Ashburn station, viewed from the parking garage
Ballston-MU station, January 2022 [01]
Ballston-MU station, January 2022 [02]
Ballston-MU station, January 2022 [03]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [01]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [02]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [03]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [04]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [05]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [06]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [07]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [08]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [09]
Ballston-MU station, September 2022 [10]
Bird sounds machine at Reston Town Center station [01]
Bird sounds machine at Reston Town Center station [02]
Bus canopy at Herndon station
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Car 3048 at Capitol South
Car 3235 at Deanwood
Clarendon station [03]
Customer restroom at Reston Town Center station
DASH Orion V farewell [04]
Delays at Vienna station
Destination sign on WMATA railcar 7568
Dulles Airport station [01]
Dulles Airport station [02]
Dulles Airport station [03]
Dulles Airport station [04]
Dulles Airport station [05]
Dulles Airport station [06]
Elevator security camera at Ashburn
Elyse holds up a Silver Line SmarTrip card
Elyse photographs a falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station
Elyse rides on WMATA railcar 2056
Elyse rides the escalator at Ashburn station
Elyse stands at the eight-car mark at Reston Town Center
Elyse stands with the pylon at Ashburn
Empty floor in an office building [01]
Empty floor in an office building [02]
Empty floor in an office building [03]
Entrance to Loudoun Gateway station
Escalator replacement at Ballston-MU station
Escalators at Rosslyn station [02]
Exit signage at Ashburn station [01]
Exit signage at Ashburn station [02]
Falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station [01]
Falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station [02]
Fire alarm and speaker at Ashburn station
Fire alarm and speaker at Reston Town Center station
Fire alarm pull station at Loudoun Gateway parking garage
Flush only once at Stadium-Armory station
Fuel-efficient vehicle parking at Ashburn station
Greenbelt station entrance pylon [03]
Greenbelt station entrance pylon [04]
Greenbelt station entrance pylon [05]
Greenbelt station entrance pylon [06]
Herndon station entrance pylon [01]
Herndon station entrance pylon [02]
Holes drilled into a tile
Ice buildup in a freezer [01]
Ice buildup in a freezer [02]
Innovation Center station entrance pylon
Interior of WMATA railcar 6048 [01]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6048 [02]
Isolated Metro railcar [01]