JMU Box 2732 [01]
JMU Box 2732 [02]
Mailboxes at Durham post office
"No Trespassing" sign on post office fence
Mailbox with "NO FREE PAPERS" sign [02]
Hearts on USPS label
Mailbox on Baum Blvd.
Metropolitan Tattoo sticker
Post office in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
Mailbox with "NO FREE PAPERS" sign [01]
Mailbox for 718 East Madison Street
Mailbox atop a tall pole [01]
Mailbox atop a tall pole [02]
Mailbox atop a tall pole [03]
Mailbox covered with graffiti and stickers on 7th Avenue
Mailbox at Varick and Downing Streets in Greenwich Village
Canada Post mailbox at the Canadian Museum of History [01]
Canada Post mailbox at the Canadian Museum of History [02]
Woomy mails a Christmas card