Market Square Walkway
Gardens at Monticello [03]
Gardens at Monticello [01]
Weed growing between stone pavers
East campus steam plant [01]
WMATA Breda 3000-Series car on D Route Bridge
Navy Memorial, running blue [05]
Navy Memorial, running blue [04]
Navy Memorial, running blue [03]
Navy Memorial, running blue [02]
Navy Memorial, running blue [01]
Pine needles
Tulip with variegated colors
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [06]
East campus steam plant [02]
Lily at Lincoln Park Zoo
Harlem River Yard Power Station
Astoria Generating Station
Dandelion on DeJarnette property [01]
Dandelion on DeJarnette property [02]
Tree lichen [03]
Tree lichen [02]
Fallen leaf
Tree lichen [01]
Please, no dogs
Art space in former power plant [01]
Be Cheerful "Fit In"
Flowers at Hilltop House site
Ingrid Bergman Hybrid Tea Rose [02]
Ingrid Bergman Hybrid Tea Rose [01]
Pineapple Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Hybrid Rugosa Rose [02]
Hybrid Rugosa Rose [01]
Rosa Dainty Bess (with bee)
Hybrid Tea Rose
Purple Coneflower
Lilli Marleen Floribunda Rose [03]
Lilli Marleen Floribunda Rose [02]
Lilli Marleen Floribunda Rose [01]
Love and Peace Hybrid Tea Rose [02]
Love and Peace Hybrid Tea Rose [01]
Honey Perfume Floribunda Rose
Orange Daylily [03]
Fern Leaf Yarrow
American Water Lotus
Arc-en Ciel Waterlily
English Shrub Rose
Korean Abelialeaf
Black-Eyed Susan
Sunshine Hollyhock [03]
Sunshine Hollyhock [02]
Sunshine Hollyhock [01]
English Lavender
Moroccan Mountain Eryngo
Montgomery Florist's Spiraea
Peruvian Lily [02]
Peruvian Lily [01]
Spike Gayfeather [02]
Spike Gayfeather [01]
Sweet William
Autumn Colors Black-Eyed Susan
Orange Daylily [02]
Orange Daylily [01]
Summer Wine Daylily [02]
Summer Wine Daylily [01]
Alaska Shasta Daisy
Rose Beauty Japanese Thistle
Matthew Allen Dahlia [02]
Matthew Allen Dahlia [01]
Golden Shower Threadleaf Coreopsis [02]
Golden Shower Threadleaf Coreopsis [01]
Fuji Blue Balloon Flower [02]
Fuji Blue Balloon Flower [01]
Ultra Violet Tropical Waterlily [02]
Ultra Violet Tropical Waterlily [01]
Day-Blooming Tropical Waterlily