Dollar Tree at Staunton Mall [01]
Boss's 2 On the Level Entertainment [03]
"DELAYED" message at Boston North Station
Dollar Tree at Staunton Mall [02]
East Washington Street and Allawilla Drive [02]
Selfie with Central Time sign [02]
Selfie with Central Time sign [01]
Monument-style Walmart sign
SlutWalk DC 2011 [26]
Bodo's Bagels sign
Paramount Theater marquee [01]
"No Swearing" sign at Virginia Beach [03]
No hand sanitizer on the PIN pad
Forward on Climate Rally [113]
Five Guys sign [01]
Flush only once at Stadium-Armory station
"No Swearing" sign at Virginia Beach [02]
Urinal at Roanoke Valley Harley-Davidson
Parking sign at 17th Street Surf Shop
Parking sign at Tautog's Restaurant
Parking sign at Wendy's
Lifeguard stand with surf warning flag out
Five Guys sign [02]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [02]
Zocalo sign [01]
"This business is certified COVID compliant"
Zocalo sign [02]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [01]
Lane ending sign on Benning Road NE
Sign for Hartman Hall [01]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [05]
COVID-19 signage at Patterson's Drug Store
Neon breakfast sign
Sign for Hartman Hall [02]
"Let's not linger" sign at IKEA
McDonald's in Ranson, West Virginia [03]
McDonald's in Ranson, West Virginia [07]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [03]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [04]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [01]
Entering Eastern Time on I-40
Entering Central Time on I-40 [02]
Buildings along the 300 block of Yonge Street
"BAR OPEN" sign at the Bearded Clam [02]
"BAR OPEN" sign at the Bearded Clam [01]
Parking sign at Dairy Queen
Resorts Casino Hotel [10]
Parking sign at Domino's Pizza
McDonald's in Ranson, West Virginia [01]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [05]
No guest recyclables
McDonald's in Ranson, West Virginia [05]
Former Microsoft Store at Montgomery Mall [02]
Walmart jewelry department closed [02]
Former Microsoft Store at Montgomery Mall [01]
McDonald's in Ranson, West Virginia [08]
Walmart jewelry department closed [01]
Danger sign at Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach Fishing Pier from the south
McDonald's in Ranson, West Virginia [02]
McDonald's in Ranson, West Virginia [06]
The Sub Station Mexican Grill
Sign asking that customers limit purchases
McDonald's in Ranson, West Virginia [04]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [01]
COVID-19 signage at New Grand Mart
"Break Yer Damn Boxes"
Camera photographing signs at Bel Alton Motel
Sign for Ferdi Italian Cuisine
East Washington Street and Allawilla Drive [01]
Interstate 95 sign at Maryland House
Boss's 2 On the Level Entertainment [05]
Resorts Casino Hotel [11]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [03]
Signage at Culmore Shopping Center [04]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [03]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [02]
Cork Bar
No reusable cups allowed at Wawa
Sign for Graffiti Bar [01]