Ciro's Pizza E Cucina
Post-flight selfie in Covington, Virginia
DASH Orion V farewell [16]
Sign for Turf Motel [06]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [05]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [06]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [04]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [07]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [01]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [02]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [03]
Urinal at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Fire alarm aboard the USS Wisconsin [03]
Buoy in Coles Run Reservoir
Toilet at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia [02]
"Please use SANITIZER before and after use"
Toilet at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia [01]
Elyse photographs bottles of soda
Train crossing Shepherdstown rail bridge [01]
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [02]
West Broad Street in Waynesboro, Virginia
Train crossing Shepherdstown rail bridge [05]
Train crossing Shepherdstown rail bridge [02]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [01]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [02]
Fire alarm pull station in Gabbin Hall
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [03]
East Washington Street and Allawilla Drive [02]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [30]
CUE bus 819 at Vienna station
Hardee's in Lightfoot, Virginia
Mailbox atop a tall pole [01]
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [01]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [32]
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [03]
CUE bus 821 at Vienna station
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [02]
Renovation of former Kmart in Waynesboro, Virginia [10]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [31]
Renovation of former Kmart in Waynesboro, Virginia [07]
Mailbox atop a tall pole [03]
Elevators at Zane Showker Hall
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [13]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [10]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [16]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [21]
Harrisonburg Transit bus 49 at Hoffman Hall
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [12]
Renovation of former Kmart in Waynesboro, Virginia [09]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [15]
Renovation of former Kmart in Waynesboro, Virginia [08]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [22]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [26]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [11]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [28]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [24]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [20]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [18]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [25]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [14]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [29]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [27]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [19]
DASH Orion V farewell [25]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [09]
Harrisonburg Transit bus 55 at Varner House
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [23]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [17]
Metrobus 2002 at Rosslyn station
UTS bus 4636 on McCormick Road
Interior of Harrisonburg Transit bus 53
DASH Orion V farewell [15]
Gabbin Hall, Room G1 [01]
Flag in front of the Exxon on West Main Street
DASH Orion V farewell [17]
Exxon on West Main Street
Harrisonburg Transit bus 49 at Godwin Hall
UTS bus 1437 on McCormick Road
Fairfax Connector bus 9742 [02]
Former CARTA bus 3424 [03]