Suck Bang Blow [07]
"Pleas keep it close!!"
"Do not open toys" sign at Tidal Rave's 5 & 10
"No refrigerated items in this room"
"RACE CAR spelled backward is RACE CAR"
Print button is broken
Pause 10 minutes
"The hand scanner, it's not working"
Handwritten completion of "BLOOR"
Elevator sign at 6320 Augusta Drive
Pandemic-era sign at 7355 State Road
Zoning notice
Please, no dogs
Cart machine out of order
Perfect Truffle is unexpectedly closed
"Do not empty tea urns in this sink!!"
Diesel down for maintenance
Carnival at Lawson Creek Park [12]
Security notice at Theatrics Plus
Carnival at Lawson Creek Park [11]
"Sink out of order"
Sign in a breakroom at Ballston-MU station
Blackburn Inn [10]
"Restroom close for cleaning"
Cranberry's is hiring
"Please do not disconnect. Speaker is part of fire system. Thank you."
Message about removal of a microwave at New Carrollton
"Don't turn on this heater"
March for America [05]
March for America [06]
"Don't Shut Door Ever"
"Kindly ask your barista for straws or sugar to avoid cross contamination."
Dining room closed at Louie's Pizza
"Please discard your trash to the trash cans outside"
"This bin isn't for trash" [01]
"This bin isn't for trash" [02]
"This bin isn't for trash" [03]
Help keep the restroom clean
Out-of-order urinal
Sign about stairs at Olney Indoor Swim Center
Sign advising not to let the elevator door slam
"For entry, contact Wardroom office"
Handwritten sign on a speaker
Urinal at Taco Bell in Fredericksburg, Virginia
Sign on GoLo gas station restroom door