Animal droppings on former Valley Metro bus 0609
Elyse holds several lobster pillows
Sand bubbler crab at Folly Beach
Woomy on the bed [06]
Critters in the car
David in the HR-V
Verona Elementary School [06]
Northern mockingbird in a parking lot
Zeddy bear
"Do not feed the birds" sign
Woomy mails a Christmas card
Squirrel climbing a tree
Leg of a blue crab [02]
Goose feces on a sidewalk
Leg of a blue crab [01]
Elyse gives me a look at IKEA
Woomy at the DoubleTree
Goose droppings in a parking lot [01]
Goose droppings in a parking lot [02]
Elyse holds up a clump of BLÅVINGAD octopus plushes
Woomy looks out the window at the DoubleTree
BLÅVINGAD octopus with a cookie profanity
Woomy and Melvin
Woomy on the bed [01]
Green anole at Hampton Inn Goldsboro
Giraffe at Lincoln Park Zoo [02]
Woomy on the bed [03]
Woomy on the bed [04]
Wood turtle at the National Aquarium
Woomy checks out True North Bear
Sea gull at Lincoln Park Zoo
Ostrich at the Lincoln Park Zoo [01]
Critter massage [01]
Woomy on the bed [02]
Woomy on the bed [05]
Cows on a farm in Stuarts Draft
David amongst the lobby decor [02]
David amongst the lobby decor [01]
Toys "R" Us in Gatineau, Quebec [03]
Squirrel near the Iwo Jima Memorial
Lion at the National Zoo
Sign warning about gifting animals
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [02]
Ostrich at the Lincoln Park Zoo [02]
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [01]
Woomy takes a nap
Woomy wears a hat
Giraffe at Lincoln Park Zoo [01]
Elyse holds a crab at Cracker Barrel
Flamingo at the National Zoo
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [02]
Lounge space at the Aloft in Brooklyn
Squirrel in Farragut Square
Doll at Goldsboro Flea Market
Bass Pro Shops in Ashland, Virginia
Gorilla at the Lincoln Park Zoo [01]
Woomy looks at Reddit
Cow drinking out of a toilet
Sea gull over the Delaware Bay
Seagull near Lake Michigan
Stuffed seal at Miniso
Elyse holds Woomy by the arm
Woomy rides the luggage cart
Face drawn on a wall
Critter massage [02]
Greta in her bed
Woomy wields a knife
Dead deer on Hungerford Drive [02]
Squirel standing in Meridian Hill Park
Bass Pro Shops in Atlantic City
Dead deer on Hungerford Drive [04]
Trumpeter swan
Woomy on the roof of the HR-V
Woomy tries to drive a Jeep
Woomy atop the Langley Garage
Dead deer on Hungerford Drive [01]
Woomy sits on a bed at Hotel 24 South [03]
Woomy sits on a bed at Hotel 24 South [01]
Dead deer on Hungerford Drive [03]