"Employees only" sign at Global Food
"Gloves required" sign at food bar
"Thank you Shoppers employees"
Aaron Stone holds a slice of Pizza [01]
Aaron Stone holds a slice of Pizza [02]
Abandoned cake in the baking aisle
Abandoned groceries at Giant Food
Acme in Brigantine, New Jersey
Aisle 2 at Sharp Shopper
Aisle at Bulk Barn in Windsor, Ontario [01]
Aisle at Bulk Barn in Windsor, Ontario [01]
Aisle marker at ShopRite in Philadelphia
at Black Dog Salvage
Aunt Jemima buttermilk pancake mix
Aunt Jemima pancake mix at Giant Food [01]
Aunt Jemima pancake mix at Giant Food [02]
Aunt Jemima pancake mix at Giant Food [03]
Aunt Jemima pancake syrup at Giant Food
Avocado skin
Back aisle at Martin's in Martinsburg, West Virginia [01]
Back aisle at Martin's in Martinsburg, West Virginia [02]
Back hallway at Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Bagged milk at Loblaws
Bags of granulated erythritol
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [01]
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [02]
Banana selfie
Bins of parmesan cheese at Bulk Barn
Blue crabs at Food Star
Bone-in beef tomahawk ribeye steak at Whole Foods Market
Bottles of Crush soda [01]
Bottles of Crush soda [02]
Bottles of Dr. Wham soda [01]
Bottles of Dr. Wham soda [02]
Bottles of Mountain Dew Uproar
Bottles of Pearl Milling Company pancake syrup
Bottles of Pepsi at Food Lion in New Bern
Bottles of Soylent drinks
Bottles of various sauces at Cocos Food [01]
Bottles of various sauces at Cocos Food [02]
Bouillon cubes at Bulk Barn
Boxes of Duncan Hines cake mix
Broccoli floret
Buffalo chicken salad from Publix
Bulk Barn on Carlton Street
Cans of Campbell's soup [01]
Cans of Campbell's soup [02]
Cans of Campbell's soup [03]
Cans of pasta sauce at Loblaws
Cap on a bottle of chocolate syrup
Cap on a bottle of Sprite
Cap on a milk carton [01]
Cap on a milk carton [02]
Cap on a milk jug
Capacity sign at Food Lion
Carrot with multiple appendages
Cart in frozen food aisle at Giant Food [01]
Cart in frozen food aisle at Giant Food [02]
Cartons of Nature's Promise milk
Cash registers at Geresbeck's
Ceiling air vent at Sharp Shopper [01]
Ceiling air vent at Sharp Shopper [02]
Charlie Brown drawing at Safeway in-store Starbucks
Chocolate chip cookies [01]
Chocolate chip cookies [02]
Chocolate chip cookies [03]
Cinnamon Toast Crunch at Loblaws
Closed-off area at Walmart in Winchester, Virginia
Commercial area in Abingdon, Virginia
Containers of pizza sauce
Cookie with a chocolate happy face
COVID disinfection schedule on a clipboard at Whole Foods Market
COVID-19 signage at New Grand Mart
Crystal Farms shredded cheese
Culpeper Colonnade shopping center
Dairy aisle at Giant Food store in Montrose Crossing [01]
Dairy aisle at Giant Food store in Montrose Crossing [02]
Dairy aisle at Giant Food store in Montrose Crossing [03]
Dollar Tree in Kinston, North Carolina
Dr Pepper cotton candy