Ramp to Downtown Expressway [02]
Ramp to Downtown Expressway [01]
Farmers and Merchants' Bank clock [02]
Potter fire alarm bell
Wilkins Shoe Center
Farmers and Merchants' Bank clock [01]
Detail on Masonic Temple pediment
Snowman on Charlottesville Downtown Mall
Kilroy Was Here
Stonewall Jackson Hotel sign
Paramount Theater marquee [01]
Five Guys sign [01]
Zocalo sign [01]
Fire hydrant
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [01]
Old Town Alexandria [01]
Greenhouse Boardshop
Roanoke, Virginia [01]
Roanoke, Virginia [02]
Landmark Hotel
Downtown Mall Five Guys
"I'm Hungry For You"
"You are loved"
Message on the Community Chalkboard
Community Chalkboard
Burgess Barber Shop
Vintage toilet at Masonic Building
Masonic Building [01]
Marquis Building [01]
National Valley Bank plaque
Marquis Building [02]
Fountain on the Downtown Mall
Stop sign on 2nd Street SW
Fire hydrant on the Downtown Mall
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [02]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [01]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [04]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [03]
Old Town Alexandria [03]
Old Town Alexandria [02]
Downtown Expressway
Sea gull stands on ledge
Sea gull stands on wooden pole
The Waterside
Hooters girls at Norfolk Waterside
Apples at Roanoke City Market
Downtown Roanoke at the railroad tracks
Oranges at Roanoke City Market
Pears at Roanoke City Market
Roanoke from the star, March 2003
Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
The Nook restaurant
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [03]
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [02]
Allied Arts Building [01]
Bank of the James building [01]
Bank of the James building [02]
Roanoke viewed from the star, April 2006
Cycle Recycle
Huntsville Festival of Fine Arts banner [01]
Blue Moon Galleries
Wayne Theater [01]
Wayne Theater [03]
Wayne Theater [02]
Wayne Theater [04]
533 West Main Street
Former News Virginian building [01]
Former News Virginian building [02]
Press room at the former News Virginian building [01]
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Trees with fake blossoms [02]
Trees with fake blossoms [01]
Huntsville Festival of Fine Arts banner [02]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [01]
Waynesboro, Virginia historical marker [01]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [02]
Waynesboro, Virginia historical marker [02]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [03]