Iomega Zip drive following removal
1100 Wilson Blvd
100% gasoline
Bridges for Maryland Route 100
Bottom of Ocracoke Lighthouse
7th Street and Independence Avenue SW
"Running man" exit sign at the Banting Institute
Fire alarm pull station at the Banting Institute
Urinal at the Banting Institute
Best Foods mayonnaise
International S-100 truck [03]
International S-100 truck [02]
International S-100 truck [01]
Reserved parking at Sharp Shopper in Waynesboro, Virginia
100 block of North Central Avenue
Reserved parking at Martin's in Waynesboro, Virginia
"No one allowed passed [sic] this point without 100% fall protection"
Candy in a vending machine [01]
Candy in a vending machine [02]
Discarded Cook Out cup
Welch's grape, orange, and apple juices at Carlie C's
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [01]
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [02]
Roof of 100 Lakeforest Boulevard [03]
Buoy in Coles Run Reservoir
Homemade road signs in Roxbury, Pennsylvania
Call for management for large bills
1971 Dodge D-100 pickup truck at Chrysler Nationals
Dodge A100 at Chrysler Nationals
Frozen bottle of tea at Dollar Tree
Bins of parmesan cheese at Bulk Barn
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [01]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [02]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [03]
Pedicab operator in downtown Charleston