The Quarry Overlook [01]
The Quarry Overlook [02]
The Quarry Overlook [03]
Rooftop patio at 2 North Central Avenue
101 West Frederick Street [01]
101 West Frederick Street [02]
Former Grocery space [01]
Former Grocery space [02]
Room 1103 at Zane Showker Hall
Elks emblem at 101 West Frederick Street
Signs at intersection of TN 1/US 70 and TN 101/TN 392 [01]
Signs at intersection of TN 1/US 70 and TN 101/TN 392 [02]
Signs at intersection of TN 1/US 70 and TN 101/TN 392 [03]
Walkersville Bowling Center [01]
Walkersville Bowling Center [02]
Car for Cobra Strike Protective Services