Woomy rides the luggage cart
Woomy atop the Langley Garage
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [11]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [13]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [14]
David amongst the lobby decor [02]
David amongst the lobby decor [01]
Woomy and me
Critters in the HR-V
Bass Pro Shops in Ashland, Virginia
Fish tank at Bass Pro Shops in Ashland
Woomy on top of a siren
Green anole at Hampton Inn Goldsboro
Carnival at Lawson Creek Park [14]
Woomy joins me for breakfast [02]
Woomy looks at a fire alarm
Woomy joins me for breakfast [01]
Critter massage [02]
Critter massage [01]
Doll at Goldsboro Flea Market
Selfie with a stuffed dracula
Woomy looks at the MTO screen at Sheetz
Woomy looks at styrofoam cups at Sheetz
Woomy, stuffed into a styrofoam cup
Woomy tries to drive a Jeep
Woomy plays Space Invaders
Elyse holds Woomy by the arm
Woomy takes a nap
Woomy on the bed [04]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [43]
Squirrel climbing a tree
Squirrel in Farragut Square