Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [04]
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [03]
Statue of Andrew Jackson [02]
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [02]
Ice wings painted on wall
Center of Foamhenge [01]
Foamhenge blocks [01]
Foamhenge from a distance [02]
Sign at Foamhenge
Name carved into Foamhenge [02]
Name carved into Foamhenge [01]
Foamhenge from a distance [01]
Foamhenge blocks [03]
Face wearing sunglasses
Milk carton marking a pipe on Foamhenge
Center of Foamhenge [02]
Statue of Andrew Jackson [01]
Glenmont Metro west entrance
Foamhenge blocks [04]
Equestrian statue of George Washington [01]
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [01]
Allied Arts Building [01]
Graffiti on wall speaker
Foamhenge blocks [02]
Sable at Foamhenge
Anti-Nazi protest [01]
Anti-Nazi protest [02]
Photographing a couple