Walmart Supercenter in Staunton, Virginia during lighting upgrade [03]
Walmart Supercenter in Staunton, Virginia during lighting upgrade [02]
Walmart Supercenter in Staunton, Virginia during lighting upgrade [04]
Walmart Supercenter in Staunton, Virginia during lighting upgrade [01]
Center of Foamhenge [01]
Foamhenge blocks [01]
Foamhenge from a distance [02]
Sign at Foamhenge
Name carved into Foamhenge [02]
Name carved into Foamhenge [01]
Foamhenge from a distance [01]
Foamhenge blocks [03]
Milk carton marking a pipe on Foamhenge
Center of Foamhenge [02]
Foamhenge blocks [04]
Motorcycle with red lighting
Foamhenge blocks [02]
Shark Week
Silver Spring station, facing outbound [01]
PIDS screen at McPherson Square
Silver Spring station, facing outbound [02]
Wheaton station, outbound side [02]
Red Line at New Hampshire Avenue [02]
Silver Spring station, facing outbound [03]
Sable at Foamhenge
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [03]
Yellow Cake Walk
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [04]
Crowds exiting Vienna station on July 4
PIDS screen at Pentagon City
PIDS screen at Huntington
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [01]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [02]
Trash can on University Avenue
Motorcycle with blue lighting
Bodo's Bagels sign
Yellow Line train to Franconia-Springfield
Blue Line train to Rosslyn [02]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [05]
Yellow Line train at Van Dorn Street
Yellow Line train at Franconia-Springfield
Blue Line train at Huntington [01]
Blue Line train to Rosslyn [01]
Blue Line train at Huntington [02]
Blue Line trains at Eisenhower Avenue
Orange Line train to Largo Town Center
Orange Line train at Largo Town Center