"A man's dreams are an index to his greatness."
"Chicken still available on Sunday"
"Employees only" sign at Global Food
"Gloves required" sign at food bar
"M" in ketchup
"Marty" robot
"Please use a tissue to make your selection"
"Thank you Shoppers employees"
"WEL COME" at Afton Howard Johnson's
"Welcome 2 Rocky's II"
"Z-Burger now is a COVID free zone"
7-Eleven on Benning Road NE
7-Eleven on Bladensburg Road
7-Eleven on Brentwood Road NE
7-Eleven sign on Benning Road NE
7-Eleven store in Manassas, Virginia [03]
A frosty mug of milk
Aaron Stone holds a slice of Pizza [01]
Aaron Stone holds a slice of Pizza [02]
Abandoned cake in the baking aisle
Abandoned loafer in front of 250 7th Avenue [01]
Abandoned loafer in front of 250 7th Avenue [02]
Acela Express snack car
Acme in Brigantine, New Jersey
Aisle 2 at Sharp Shopper
Aisle 5 at Four Corners Safeway
Aisle 6 at Four Corners Safeway
Aisle at Bulk Barn in Windsor, Ontario [01]
Aisle at Bulk Barn in Windsor, Ontario [01]
Aisle at European Market
Aldi in Montgomery Village, Maryland
All About Burger
All-Canadian Breakfast from Ottawa Marriott
America's Best Wings
American Dream, January 2024 [09]
American Dream, September 2024 [07]
American flag over Pal's in Abingdon [01]
American flag over Pal's in Abingdon [02]
Angry broccoli
Anonymous DC August raid [07]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [03]
Anti-War Anniversary March [06]
Apples at Roanoke City Market
Arby's in Colonial Heights, Virginia
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [01]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [02]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [03]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [04]
Aunt Jemima buttermilk pancake mix
Aunt Jemima pancake mix at Giant Food [01]
Aunt Jemima pancake mix at Giant Food [02]
Aunt Jemima pancake mix at Giant Food [03]
Aunt Jemima pancake syrup
Aunt Jemima pancake syrup at Giant Food
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [01]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [02]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [03]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [04]
Avocado skin
Back aisle at Martin's in Martinsburg, West Virginia [01]
Back aisle at Martin's in Martinsburg, West Virginia [02]
Back hallway at Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Bagged milk at Loblaws
Bagged urinal at Cook Out
Bags of granulated erythritol
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [01]
Baking needs aisle at Food Lion [02]
Balloon face with eyebrows
Banana peel at East Falls Church station
Banana selfie
Bat-shaped pretzel
BBQ Chicken Salad
Beaver Buddies animal crackers
Beef Shoyu Ramen from Kinton Ramen
Beets at a farmers' market
Bennett Babies
Best Foods mayonnaise
Big Dipper Ice Cream [01]
Big Dipper Ice Cream [02]
Bins of parmesan cheese at Bulk Barn