Roanoke from above Main Street SW
Fire alarm horn at 5000 Sunnyside Avenue [04]
Fire alarm horn at 5000 Sunnyside Avenue [02]
Fire alarm horn at 5000 Sunnyside Avenue [03]
Fire alarm horn at 5000 Sunnyside Avenue [01]
Storm cloud approaching Roanoke, Virginia
Poff Federal Building [02]
Poff Federal Building [01]
Canadian flag in front of the Westin Ottawa
Selfie in front of the West Block [03]
Selfie in front of the West Block [02]
Selfie in front of the West Block [01]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [02]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [01]
Peace Tower [04]
Peace Tower [02]
Peace Tower [03]
Centre Block [02]
Centre Block [03]
Peace Tower [01]
Centre Block [01]
View of Gatineau from Parliament Hill [02]
View of Gatineau from Parliament Hill [01]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [03]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [01]
Entrance to West Block building
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [02]
West Block of Parliament [04]
West Block of Parliament [05]
West Block of Parliament [03]
West Block of Parliament [01]
West Block of Parliament [02]
Canadian flag on the Confederation Building
Confederation Building [03]
Lamppost outside of the Confederation Building
Confederation Building [02]
Confederation Building [01]
Federal Reserve Bank building [08]
Federal Reserve Bank building [07]
Federal Reserve Bank building [06]
CoStar, Federal Reserve, and Riverfront Plaza buildings
Construction in the canal
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [02]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [03]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [04]
T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [02]
Skyline of Richmond from T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge [01]
Poff Federal Building, viewed from Mill Mountain
Howard H. Baker, Jr. United States Courthouse
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Intersection of South 9th Street and Federal Street
Richmond skyline from the James River [02]
Richmond skyline from the James River [01]
Small island in the James River
Federal Reserve Bank building [05]
Federal Reserve Bank building [03]
Federal Reserve Bank building [04]
Federal Reserve and Riverfront Plaza [02]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [05]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [06]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [04]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [03]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [02]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [01]
CoStar Richmond office [02]
CoStar Richmond office [03]
CoStar Richmond office [01]
Wheelock AS at Educational Systems Federal Credit Union [01]
Wheelock AS at Educational Systems Federal Credit Union [02]
Wheelock AS at Educational Systems Federal Credit Union [03]
West Main Street and Church Street
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia near South Wayne Avenue and Federal Street
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia above Church Street and Federal Street
Post office in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
FedEx Field from Largo Town Center garage
Federal Reserve Bank, Richmond, Virginia
Federal Triangle station entrance pylon
Flag on the Treasury Building
Supreme Court building
View from Old Post Office Tower