Cherry Street School [04]
Cherry Street School [05]
Cherry Street School [06]
Cherry Street School [07]
Cherry Street School [08]
Chesapeake Hall [01]
Chesapeake Hall [02]
CISAT academic buildings [01]
CISAT academic buildings [02]
CISAT academic buildings [03]
Clock at Rowan University
Clymore Elementary School [01]
College Center [03]
Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [01]
Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [02]
Construction of JMU Bookstore
Construction of Thomas Edison High School of Technology
Converse Hall
Courts of Whetstone area of Montgomery Village
Cumberland Regional High School [01]
Cumberland Regional High School [02]
Cumberland Regional High School [03]
Cupola at Gonzaga College High School
Cupola on Gabbin Hall [01]
Cupola on Gabbin Hall [02]
Cupola on Gabbin Hall [03]
Cupola on Gabbin Hall [04]
D-Hall pizza [01]
D-Hall pizza [02]
D-Hall pizza [03]
D-Hall pizza [04]
D-Hall pizza [05]
D-Hall pizza [06]
D-Hall pizza [07]
Door to room 409 at Chandler Hall
Downtown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Downtown Staunton, Virginia, facing northeast
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia near South Wayne Avenue and Federal Street
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia, facing west
Duncan School of Law at Lincoln Memorial University
East Campus Dining Hall
East campus steam plant [01]
East campus steam plant [02]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [02]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [03]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [04]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [05]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [06]
Edwards fire alarm horn/strobe at Taylor Down Under
Eighth grade hall at Stuarts Draft Middle School
Elevator at Gabbin Hall
Elevators at Zane Showker Hall
Elyse and I photograph each other
Elyse looks out of a 36th floor window
Elyse poses with a fire alarm pull station
Elyse stares down a Starship
Emergency phone at Chandler Hall [01]
Emergency phone at Chandler Hall [02]
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [01]
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [02]
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [03]
Entrance to Wilson Hall at night
Evanston, Illinois from over Lake Michigan [02]
Evanston, Illinois from over Lake Michigan [03]
Exterior alarm horn at Shiloh Public School [01]
Exterior alarm horn at Shiloh Public School [02]
Exterior alarm horn at Shiloh Public School [03]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [02]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [03]
Festival Conference and Student Center atrium
Festival Conference and Student Center [01]
Festival Conference and Student Center [02]
Festival Conference and Student Center [03]
Festival Conference and Student Center [04]
Festival Conference and Student Center [05]
Festival Conference and Student Center [06]
Fire alarm at Burruss Hall [01]
Fire alarm at Burruss Hall [02]
Fire alarm at Burruss Hall [03]
Fire alarm at Burruss Hall [04]