Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [12]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [11]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [10]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [09]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [08]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [07]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [06]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [05]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [04]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [03]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [02]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [01]
West overlook at Mill Mountain Park
W XYZ Bar at the Aloft
View of Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum from the Cathedral of Learning
View from the Roanoke Star, October 2022 [04]
View from the Roanoke Star, October 2022 [03]
View from the Roanoke Star, October 2022 [02]
View from the Roanoke Star, October 2022 [01]
View from CN Tower [02]
View down West 34th Street from 7th Avenue
Valley View area, viewed from Mill Mountain
Utility access panel at the Cathedral of Learning
Tribune Tower [03]
Tribune Tower [02]
Transamerica Tower
Toronto City Hall
Toilet at the Cathedral of Learning [02]
Toilet at the Cathedral of Learning [01]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [05]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [04]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [03]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [02]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [01]
Rosslyn from Georgetown University Library
Room 318 at the Cathedral of Learning
Room 232 at the Cathedral of Learning
Roanoke, Virginia [02]
Roanoke, Virginia [01]
Roanoke, Virginia at night, 2021
Roanoke, Virginia at night, 2003
Roanoke viewed from the star, April 2006
Roanoke from the star, March 2003
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [04]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [03]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [02]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [01]
Roanoke from the star, April 2007
PPL Building [07]
PPL Building [06]
PPL Building [05]
PPL Building [04]
PPL Building [03]
PPL Building [02]
PPL Building [01]
Poff Federal Building, viewed from Mill Mountain
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing south [02]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing south [01]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [03]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [02]
Ocean City from 94th Street, facing north [01]
Oakland neighborhood in Pittsburgh [02]
Oakland neighborhood in Pittsburgh [01]
Norfolk City Hall [03]
Norfolk City Hall [02]
Norfolk City Hall [01]
Macy's NYC flagship store at West 34th Street and 7th Avenue [02]
Macy's NYC flagship store at West 34th Street and 7th Avenue [01]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook [02]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook [01]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook at night [02]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook at night [01]
Lounge space at the Aloft in Brooklyn
Litchfield Towers [08]
Litchfield Towers [07]
Litchfield Towers [06]
Litchfield Towers [05]
Litchfield Towers [04]
Litchfield Towers [03]
Litchfield Towers [02]