- Sign for Roses in Waynesboro, Virginia
- Roses in Waynesboro, Virginia
- Blockbuster Video closing sale [01]
- Blockbuster Video closing sale [02]
- Ford Taurus on Glenallan Avenue
- Big Lots in Lutherville
- Walmart jewelry department closed [01]
- Walmart jewelry department closed [02]
- Garrett Popcorn's Pentagon City Mall location is closed
- Waynesboro Plaza shopping center [02]
- Waynesboro Plaza shopping center [03]
- Waynesboro Plaza shopping center [04]
- Waynesboro Plaza shopping center [01]
- Big Lots in Charlottesville, Virginia [01]
- Former Kroger at Waynesboro Commons shopping center
- Big Lots Odd Lots trailer
- Sign advising not to let the elevator door slam
- Perfect Truffle is unexpectedly closed
- "Restroom close for cleaning"
- Elyse photographs a piece of candy
- Elevator note at the Dakota
- Big Lots in Charlottesville, Virginia [02]
- Fire alarm at Big Lots in Charlottesville