Gamewell Century pull station at the Hampton Inn in Independence, Ohio [02]
Gamewell Century pull station at the Hampton Inn in Independence, Ohio [01]
COVID-era signage still in place at Jackson station
Vintage fire alarm at the Dakota
Cord secured behind wall plate
Fire alarm pull station at the Aloft New York Brooklyn [03]
Fire alarm pull station at the Aloft New York Brooklyn [02]
Fire alarm pull station at the Aloft New York Brooklyn [01]
Fire alarm at the New York Transit Museum
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [48]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [47]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [46]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [45]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [44]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [43]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [40]
Fire alarm pull station at Whole Foods in Glover Park [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Whole Foods in Glover Park [01]
Fire alarm at Angel's Food Market
Muddy water at West Falls Church station
Emergency door release on WMATA railcar 3049
Old and new pull stations at Target in Frederick, Maryland
Fire alarm pull station and button at Gabriel Brothers
Fire alarm pull station at the Lincoln Memorial
Wheelock push station
Third rail at Fort Totten station
Glenmont station parking garage canopy
Fire alarm pull station at Wheaton Metro parking garage [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Wheaton Metro parking garage [01]
Wheelock "Medical Emergency" push station
"Door open" pull station
Third rail at Metro Center station
Activated fire alarm pull station at MBTA Chinatown station
Storm drain cover at Greenbelt station
Storm drain cover
Metro manhole cover outside Forest Glen station
View from Rhode Island Avenue station, facing south