COVID disinfection schedule on a clipboard at Whole Foods Market
COVID-19 notice at Manchester Lakes Barker Shop
Face mask discarded in the grass
Red Wild Force Ranger wearing necktie and face mask
Help keep the restroom clean
Touching allowed, but don't hold them near your face
Closed entrance at Pottery Barn in King of Prussia Mall
Social distancing signage in front of an escalator
Lego shark wearing a mask [02]
Lego shark wearing a mask [01]
COVID sign at Staunton Mall
One-way aisle arrow
No reusable cups allowed at Wawa
Faber hand sanitizer
One-way aisles at Geresbeck's [02]
One-way aisles at Geresbeck's [03]
Discarded face mask at Arundel Mills [02]
One-way aisles at Geresbeck's [01]
Discarded face mask at Arundel Mills [01]
True Religion is over capacity
Medieval Times at Arundel Mills, temporarily closed [03]
Closed massage chairs at Arundel Mills [02]
Medieval Times at Arundel Mills, temporarily closed [01]
Medieval Times at Arundel Mills, temporarily closed [02]
Arundel Mills food court without seating [02]
Closed massage chairs at Arundel Mills [01]
Arundel Mills food court without seating [01]
Closed kiddie ride at Arundel Mills [03]
Closed kiddie ride at Arundel Mills [02]
Closed candy machine at Arundel Mills [02]
Closed kiddie ride at Arundel Mills [01]
Closed candy machine at Arundel Mills [01]
Pentagon City Mall, 2020 [03]
Pentagon City Mall, 2020 [02]
Pentagon City Mall, 2020 [01]
Welcome back to Pentagon Centre
Face coverings required at Marshalls
Garrett Popcorn's Pentagon City Mall location is closed
Former Microsoft Store at Pentagon City Mall [03]
Former Microsoft Store at Pentagon City Mall [02]
Former Microsoft Store at Pentagon City Mall [01]
Boxes of face masks at Target
Pandemic-related signage at Target [05]
Carts blocking an entrance in Home Depot
Hand sanitizer at Germantown Target
Mask and glove disposal bin
Tip jar at Pike Kitchen [02]
Please do not sit on the furniture
Tip jar at Pike Kitchen [01]
Carts not sanitized upstairs
No self service at 7-Eleven
Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [09]
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [02]
Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [02]
Social distancing sign at Big Lots
Pair of discarded medical gloves
"Please do NOT try on merchandise over your clothing"
Westfield pandemic code of conduct
Former Microsoft Store at Montgomery Mall [01]
Former Microsoft Store at Montgomery Mall [02]
"Please do not sit here" sticker
Outdoor dining area at Montgomery Mall
Montgomery Mall food court with no indoor dining
Cava, temporarily closed
Business reopening requirements sign
Nordstrom wing at Montgomery Mall
Former Sears wing at Montgomery Mall
Closing sale at Toy Castle [03]
Closing sale at Toy Castle [04]
Closing sale at Toy Castle [02]
Closing sale at Toy Castle [01]
One-way aisle signage at Whole Foods Market [02]
No guest recyclables
One-way aisle signage at Whole Foods Market [01]
Sheetz dining room closed
Used gloves at Whole Foods Market
Pandemic-related signage at Target [01]
Woomy wearing a face mask as a hat
Safelite AutoGlass