Knights Templar Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Knights Templar Room at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [01]
Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
Cupola at Gonzaga College High School
Steeple at St. Pauls United Church of Christ
Christopher Newport Cross [03]
Christopher Newport Cross [02]
Christopher Newport Cross [01]
Steeple of Friendship Haven Church
St. Anne's Episcopal Church
Maryland flag
Regional Hospital of Scranton chapel
Edge Hill Cemetery [25]
Edge Hill Cemetery [26]
Edge Hill Cemetery [27]
Edge Hill Cemetery [45]
Edge Hill Cemetery [44]
Edge Hill Cemetery [43]
Edge Hill Cemetery [39]
Hope Hill Cemetery [08]
Hope Hill Cemetery [05]
Hope Hill Cemetery [04]
Hope Hill Cemetery [06]
Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
Cross pattern in the water
Cross and flag display at Restoration Fellowship Church [02]
Cross and flag display at Restoration Fellowship Church [01]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [07]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [08]
Christopher Newport Cross [04]