Starbucks at Pentagon Row
Lebanese Taverna at Pentagon Row
Center court at Pentagon Row
Thaiphoon at Pentagon Row
Family House Restaurant [01]
Family House Restaurant [02]
KFC in Breezewood, Pennsylvania
Eating lunch at Freedom Plaza
Rules sign on Washington Metro car 4007
Amfleet dining car
Amtrak Superliner dining car [01]
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear [25]
Auto Train lounge car
Amtrak Superliner dining car [03]
Amtrak Superliner dining car [02]
Funnel cake [01]
Funnel cake [02]
Hot Rod Cafe
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2011 [17]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2011 [14]
Wasabi at Tysons Corner Center [01]
Wasabi at Tysons Corner Center [02]
Gorilla at the Lincoln Park Zoo [02]
Forward on Climate Rally [36]
KFC in Cumberland, Maryland
Lane Brooks
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [30]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [29]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [13]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [04]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [03]
East side of Maryland House
Boston Market in Aspen Hill, Maryland
Sheetz dining room closed
Seating area at Whole Foods Market
Woomy looks at the sign advising of indoor dining ban
No indoor dining at Border Station
Abandoned book on a table [01]
Abandoned book on a table [02]
Abandoned book on a table [03]
Camera on tripod photographing abandoned book
Chili's in Martinsburg [01]
Chili's in Martinsburg [02]
Chili's in Martinsburg [03]
Subway at Massaponax Walmart [02]
Sign at 2400 Diner
Metro Diner in a former Friendly's
Subway at Massaponax Walmart [03]
Subway at Massaponax Walmart [01]
Alfredo's Mediterranean Grill
Indoor dining returns to Popeye's [01]
Indoor dining returns to Popeye's [02]
Social distancing sign at Popeye's
Taco Bell in Martinsburg, West Virginia
Wasabi conveyor belt
COVID sign at Baja Bean Company
Pupatella Neapolitan Pizza [01]
Pupatella Neapolitan Pizza [02]
Neon breakfast sign
Bench at Staunton Mall [02]
Bench at Staunton Mall [01]
"Please enjoy food, drink & smoking before visiting the store"
Former Fashion Bug at Staunton Mall [01]
Former Fashion Bug at Staunton Mall [02]
Mall entrance to Church United
Bench at Staunton Mall [03]
Former pretzel place in Staunton Mall
Hot Wok [01]
Former Sweetie's Trading Post space
Hot Wok [02]
Food court area of Staunton Mall [02]
Former Dog Days space
Movie theater corridor in Staunton Mall
Former Angelo's Pizza [01]
Former Angelo's Pizza [02]
Corridor between Peebles and Montgomery Ward [01]
Corridor between Peebles and Montgomery Ward [02]
Original Hot Wok location
Corridor between Peebles and Montgomery Ward [03]
Sign at Hot Wok advising of a temporary closure